Monday, October 6, 2014

Eating Shooting Sewing.

I'm a serial blogger. I start a blog and I'm good for a while and then the novelty wears off, work & life get in the way, inspiration is lost, laziness settles in - something like that.. so I stop blogging, months later the inspiration will strike again BUT in a different form to the last - so that's where I'm at.

I'll introduce myself and what I'm doing here this time. I'm Nikki, I'm from Ipswich which is nearby to Brisbane in Australia. I have a little house with a little family. My little family consists of two littles and my husband, with one dog and one cat thrown in for a good mix.

What am I doing here? Good question - something we're all asking. As my blog suggests I enjoy three things:

  • Eating. My little fam eats out a lot - sometimes good, sometimes bad, sometimes medium and sometimes I want to write about it. Breakfast is the meal we eat out the most. 
  • Shooting. No no, not with a gun - with a camera. I've always enjoyed photography and last year Mr C splashed out and bought me a Canon EOS 600D - and boy do I use it! 
  • Sewing. I didn't know how much I liked sewing until I was given the machine as a gift. While we're renovating our house I haven't had a place to put it - but finally I have a new sewing corner set up and ready to be crafty!
Now, let's see how long I keep this blog up...